I'll be giving my thoughts on the film District 9 with non-spoiler and spoiler reviews. Hopefully, i can convince you to watch District 9 by the end! 

Non-spoiler review


District 9 has complex, three dimensional, and flawed characters. It has a complex story full of substance which takes you on an emotional journey you've never had before! When you look deeper into the film, you can piece together the identity of the aliens and what will likely happen after the end.    


The way District 9 opens with amateur ordinary cameras is impressive! It makes you feel as if there is an alien spaceship hovering over human civilization right now! 


The acting is amazing especially the main character! He makes you feel as if District 9 is a documentary! I've never seen acting like this before! 


District 9's film score feels deeply spiritual as if calling man to return to its ancient, spiritual, and African roots! It can also build dread effectively! 


District 9 gives a strong message on immigration. The aliens are metaphors for human immigrants. This film challenges people to have compassion for them. Humans who think they are civilized act as if immigrants are savages when the irony is they are savages.   

In conclusion, District 9 is a science fiction grand work of art! I highly recommend you to own District 9 on DVD! 

How will this DVD change your life? 

Its affordable - You're paying less than if you bought this new! Warranties are scams! Warranties don't cover all damages nor do you need them. The store already ensures the product is new. If you take good care of your product, the probability of it breaking is low especially if its very durable and high-quality! DVDs are extremely durable! Save money with this product!   

DVDs are cheaper than streaming - Streaming sites are a waste of money. When you compare the time you're not using your monthly subscription to the time you are, you'll see you're not getting your money's worth. It's worse if your internet is poor to where your movies buffer. You could pay more for better internet but think of how much you're spending. With DVDs, you only make one-time buys which save you a ton of money long-term. Already in one month, you're saving $9-14 in your pocket with these DVDs! How much money would you save in a year with this DVD set vs. a streaming service? 

DVDs have tangible ownership, streams don't - When you buy DVDs, you technically own them. With streams, you only pay for permission to watch them. If a company no longer wants to have its content in say Netflix's library, the company can request Netflix to remove it. You won't be able to stream it anymore. If a company stops selling a movie on DVD, that's the worst thing they can do. The company won't bother to confiscate your DVD.    

DVDs have exclusive content, streams don't - DVDs (namely special editions) have much more content than streaming services such as extended editions, unrated editions, deleted scenes, interviews, "making of" documentaries, etc. Movie streams don't. Typically, streaming services play only standard editions of movies. This DVD has deleted scenes, commentary, and behind the scenes content! 

You can resell DVDs but not streams - You can resell DVDs since you have tangible ownership of them. With streams, you don't own them so you can't. Once again, you save a ton more money buying DVDs than streaming. 

DVDs have better quality than streams - Quality is determined by bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher quality video and audio. Quality can also be affected by codec encoding and compression techniques. Regular DVDs run at 6-8 megabits per second. Streams usually play movies at lower rates. Netflix for example plays movies at around 5 megabits with a standard connection. If you're a videophile and audiophile like me, what's it costing you to have some of the best video/audio quality possible with this DVD?

DVDs don't require Internet, streams do - If your Internet connection or streaming service fails, you won't be able to finish watching your favorite movies and shows. Nothing is worse than watching one of the most critical and intense scenes in a movie only to be interrupted by say internet lag. It ruins the viewing experience. With DVDs, you don't have those problems.

DVDs look fantastic on display! - DVDs will make your room look much more alive with its stunning physical artwork! There's nothing like holding a DVD of your favorite film or show in your hands! With streaming, everything belongs to the streaming service. It can feel like you're just renting your favorite films and shows. Show how much of a District 9 fan you are to the world by proudly displaying your collection!  

Click on the link below to own District 9 on DVD!

Spoiler review


I love how the main character is nervous at the beginning which builds suspense! 

I love how the interviews explain the backstory and make the film feel real!

Its unsurprising humans fear aliens and treat them as second-class citizens compared to humans.

You instantly like the main character after you find he's a family man and made crafts for his wife. He's very open with people.  

The confrontation between the reporter and colonel was heated! You felt bad for the reporter because he was nice and was just trying to help. 

Its absurd and sad humans treat the aliens as if they were so dangerous. Its almost as if the humans want to eliminate them fully! The humans want them to leave although they sense the aliens can't leave! The humans ignore Wickus' advice whicens!es more problems in negotiating with the aliens!

The violence in District 9 is brutal! It makes you feel as if the aliens could kill the humans in am ambush!

It was somewhat disturbing how the police force killed alien babies. 

The colonel who shot the alien seemed sadistic. When he ordered a medevac, its almost as if he wanted to threaten Wikus with subtle torture. 

Its surprising how the aliens imitate humans to some extent.

When Wikus starts bleeding black and loses his hearing, you start feeling very uneasy about him! District 9 almost turns into a horror film if not fully turn into one when you see Wikus' transformation into an alien! Its scary how humans treat him like a lab rat once his arm turns more into an alien one! Its also sad when you realize his wife is losing the man she loves!

It feels like Wikus personality also starts changing when he's forced to shoot a prawn!

I'm deeply disturbed by how his wife's father is ok with the gov. essentially killing Wikus! The scene when Wikus pleads with him for help is hard to watch and makes you shiver! 

When Wikus manages to escape, you can't help but cheer for him as you get an adrenaline rush! You're afraid soldiers will quickly barge in the room he's in with guns and restrain him!

I was shocked when the media slandered Wikus by claiming he had sex with an alien and faking an image! You get another adrenaline rush seeing him in the restaurant as the people there learn he's fugitive!

You feel sad for Wikus when he's hunted down like a dog especially when he sleeps in alien territory and covers himself with trash! Its awful when his wife cries over the phone and tells him basically their relationship is over. Its unclear why. Maybe she believed the media lies or realized their marriage would never return to normal because he's an alien! It was brutal as well as unthinkable when he brings out an axe and wants to cut off his alien body part to try to be human again!

I love how creative this film is! If you turn on the subtitles, you can completely understand what the aliens are saying! This may or may not have been in the theatrical version without subtitles. 

You feel Wikus' despair as he slowly develops more and more into an alien! When i learn his wife betrays him to the corrupt gov., i got devastated! 

This film builds heart-pounding tension so well! Obesandjo acts as if Wikus is a joke even after he grabs an alien gun! You're afraid someone's going to hit Wikus from behind or try to kill him! The man just laughs, admiring Wikus ability to use an alien gun and not at all scared! At least, it doesn't feel like it! 

I was very surprised at how many moments where you feel like all hope is lost only for something to happen that saves Wikus! For example, when he finally gets captured by the gov. - the look on his face tells of utter shock and disbelief! He can't believe he's in their hands again after so much! He can only imagine what they'll do to him! I'm also quite surprised at how advanced the aliens are! The aliens were secretly building advanced tech. apparently to return home! 

I love Wikus character! He's flawed because he's selfish. Sometimes, he hurts his allies to get what he wants. What drives him to change is the fact he can't beat overwhelming odds alone! He needs to rely on others for help! In the scene when he tells Christopher's son "we're not the same..", his face showed that he knew deep down - they were the same! Wikus was treated no differently than the aliens were. Even before the infection, he had people to answer to. 

District 9 has complex, three dimensional characters and story. When you look deeper into the film, you can piece together the identity of the aliens and what will likely happen after the end.    

All of the aliens on the ship are a combination of worker and warrior caste. They are strong and fast but ultimately lack any motivation of their own.Without a leader, they become directionless. On the ship, the leader died.

The aliens came with a mass store of weapons. We see half a dozen types of energy weapons as well as a combat mech that is advanced than human tech. It is only defeated because Wikus has no training in how to use it and doesn't use it to its full potential.) This arsenal are just the items that are smuggled from the ship to District 9. The ship must have a massive armory.

The Prawn technology has biological sensors, so that it will only work for Prawns. Some of the technology will only work for specific classes of Prawn, or only work when activated remotely. We see that with the mech, which doesn't reach full potential until Christopher Johnson activates the mothership's systems.

It becomes clear the ship was a slaver. The aliens locked in the hold weren't even Prawns originally. They were a third species that the real Prawns had attacked, captured, and turned into more Prawn workers through the fluid.Given their general confusion, naivety, and inability to help themselves, it's likely they were an extremely primitive species before they were converted. This is why they couldn't control the ship and why they did not have any information about the Prawns.

The ship was on course for Johannesburg, South Africa to capture more slaves. Johannesburg was a perfect target. It's a populated city at the southern end of the most undeveloped continent on the planet (excluding Antarctica). It is in the opposite hemisphere from most industrialized human civilizations. The aliens could have raided the city for slaves and disappeared before humans had time to organize a response.

Christopher Johnson and his child seem more advanced other prawns. Christopher is motivated and educated beyond the level of other Prawns, and is working to get the command module repaired so that he can go for help. His child is even more active, intelligent, and motivated.

I think Christopher was an intermediate caste, the equivalent of a General. Rather than being a slave who was converted by the fluid, he was a pureblood Prawn. As a General, Christopher would have limited control over the ship's technology. He could activate weapons, and could maneuver the ship locally but he could not make it break orbit or travel between solar systems. Only a Leader could do that.

Christopher was the last survivor of the ship's old leadership. He hid the command module by flying it down to District 9 and commanding worker Prawns to bury it under his shack. He began breeding a new Leader, his son. Only his son could fly the mothership home.

With all of the weapons at their disposal, why did the aliens allow themselves to be herded into District 9? Christopher could have activated the alien weaponry at any time and lead a revolution that would have freed the residents of District 9. The simple answer is he didn't care. They were just slaves to him, and only useful to provide labor and help him hide from humans. His only goal was to protect his son until he was mature enough to operate the mothership and take them both home. He's no different than Wikus in this respect because Wikus also stopped caring about others after he became infected. Wikus was willing to do whatever it took to become human again so he could see his wife. Christopher had a change of heart when he saw the prawns in the lab like Wikus had a change of heart when the humans nearly killed Christopher.  

Christopher said he would be back in 3 years. We should hope he was lying to please Wikus. If he really is planning on coming back to earth, he'll be bringing a fleet of slave ships. Personally, i feel he was lying in either case. If he comes back with an army, they won't want to help just one prawn become human again. They'll want to enslave humans to benefit themselves and do the same to humans as humans did to them.  


The way District 9 opens with amateur ordinary cameras is impressive! It makes you feel as if there is an alien spaceship hovering over human civilization right now! 


The acting is amazing especially the main character! He makes you feel as if District 9 is a documentary! I've never seen acting like this before! 


District 9's film score feels deeply spiritual as if calling man to return to its ancient, spiritual, and African roots! It can also build dread effectively! 


District 9 gives a strong message on immigration. The aliens are metaphors for human immigrants. This film challenges people to have compassion for them. Humans who think they are civilized act as if immigrants are savages when the irony is they are savages. An example is when the Nigerians make baby aliens fight each other to death for gambling purposes. Another example is when Nigerian criminals try to exploit the aliens with interspecies prostitution which is grotesque.   

In conclusion, District 9 is a science fiction grand work of art! I highly recommend you to own District 9 on DVD! 

How will this DVD change your life? 

Its affordable - You're paying less than if you bought this new! Warranties are scams! Warranties don't cover all damages nor do you need them. The store already ensures the product is new. If you take good care of your product, the probability of it breaking is low especially if its very durable and high-quality! DVDs are extremely durable! Save money with this product!   

DVDs are cheaper than streaming - Streaming sites are a waste of money. When you compare the time you're not using your monthly subscription to the time you are, you'll see you're not getting your money's worth. It's worse if your internet is poor to where your movies buffer. You could pay more for better internet but think of how much you're spending. With DVDs, you only make one-time buys which save you a ton of money long-term. Already in one month, you're saving $9-14 in your pocket with these DVDs! How much money would you save in a year with this DVD set vs. a streaming service? 

DVDs have tangible ownership, streams don't - When you buy DVDs, you technically own them. With streams, you only pay for permission to watch them. If a company no longer wants to have its content in say Netflix's library, the company can request Netflix to remove it. You won't be able to stream it anymore. If a company stops selling a movie on DVD, that's the worst thing they can do. The company won't bother to confiscate your DVD.    

DVDs have exclusive content, streams don't - DVDs (namely special editions) have much more content than streaming services such as extended editions, unrated editions, deleted scenes, interviews, "making of" documentaries, etc. Movie streams don't. Typically, streaming services play only standard editions of movies. This DVD has deleted scenes, commentary, and behind the scenes content! 

You can resell DVDs but not streams - You can resell DVDs since you have tangible ownership of them. With streams, you don't own them so you can't. Once again, you save a ton more money buying DVDs than streaming. 

DVDs have better quality than streams - Quality is determined by bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher quality video and audio. Quality can also be affected by codec encoding and compression techniques. Regular DVDs run at 6-8 megabits per second. Streams usually play movies at lower rates. Netflix for example plays movies at around 5 megabits with a standard connection. If you're a videophile and audiophile like me, what's it costing you to have some of the best video/audio quality possible with this DVD?

DVDs don't require Internet, streams do - If your Internet connection or streaming service fails, you won't be able to finish watching your favorite movies and shows. Nothing is worse than watching one of the most critical and intense scenes in a movie only to be interrupted by say internet lag. It ruins the viewing experience. With DVDs, you don't have those problems.

DVDs look fantastic on display! - DVDs will make your room look much more alive with its stunning physical artwork! There's nothing like holding a DVD of your favorite film or show in your hands! With streaming, everything belongs to the streaming service. It can feel like you're just renting your favorite films and shows. Show how much of a District 9 fan you are to the world by proudly displaying your collection!  

Click on the link below to own District 9 on DVD!

I give my thoughts on Menace 2 Society with a non spoiler and spoiler review.

Non-spoiler review


I love how Menace 2 Society opens. We already feel like its going to be serious! 

The monologue made you connect with the character instantly with the tone of voice. 

The opening scene was shocking! 

I feel this film is so profound and powerful! This film makes you analyze so many things including poverty as well as crime and systemic racism. One of the flaws of this film is some characters feel too one-dimensional.     


I love the cam. shots of the city. Every shot feels like a photograph!


I love how the music instills emotions without being too distracting. The music is mostly playing in the background. It lets actors do their jobs with the characters. The music reflects the setting accurately. 


The acting is outstanding! Everyone did a fantastic job! It feels so realistic!  


This film has powerful dialogue especially at the near end. The dialogue accurately depicts how illiterate and uneducated characters seem.  


This film is not about heroes vs. villains. It shows how poverty and isolation can turn average people into cold-blooded killers. It can cause chaos in society.  

In conclusion, Menace 2 Society is a masterpiece that feels like a documentary! I highly recommend you to buy Menace 2 Society on DVD! 

How will this DVD change your life? 

Its affordable - You're paying less than if you bought this new! Warranties are scams! Warranties don't cover all damages nor do you need them. The store already ensures the product is new. If you take good care of your product, the probability of it breaking is low especially if its very durable and high-quality! DVDs are extremely durable! Save money with this product!   

DVDs are cheaper than streaming - Streaming sites are a waste of money. When you compare the time you're not using your monthly subscription to the time you are, you'll see you're not getting your money's worth. It's worse if your internet is poor to where your movies buffer. You could pay more for better internet but think of how much you're spending. With DVDs, you only make one-time buys which save you a ton of money long-term. Already in one month, you're saving $9-14 in your pocket with these DVDs! How much money would you save in a year with this DVD set vs. a streaming service? 

DVDs have tangible ownership, streams don't - When you buy DVDs, you technically own them. With streams, you only pay for permission to watch them. If a company no longer wants to have its content in say Netflix's library, the company can request Netflix to remove it. You won't be able to stream it anymore. If a company stops selling a movie on DVD, that's the worst thing they can do. The company won't bother to confiscate your DVD.    

DVDs have exclusive content, streams don't - DVDs (namely special editions) have much more content than streaming services such as extended editions, unrated editions, deleted scenes, interviews, "making of" documentaries, etc. Movie streams don't. Typically, streaming services play only standard editions of movies. 

You can resell DVDs but not streams - You can resell DVDs since you have tangible ownership of them. With streams, you don't own them so you can't. Once again, you save a ton more money buying DVDs than streaming. 

DVDs have better quality than streams - Quality is determined by bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher quality video and audio. Quality can also be affected by codec encoding and compression techniques. Regular DVDs run at 6-8 megabits per second. Streams usually play movies at lower rates. Netflix for example plays movies at around 5 megabits with a standard connection. If you're a videophile and audiophile like me, what's it costing you to have some of the best video/audio quality possible with this DVD?

DVDs don't require Internet, streams do - If your Internet connection or streaming service fails, you won't be able to finish watching your favorite movies and shows. Nothing is worse than watching one of the most critical and intense scenes in a movie only to be interrupted by say internet lag. It ruins the viewing experience. With DVDs, you don't have those problems.

DVDs look fantastic on display! - DVDs will make your room look much more alive with its stunning physical artwork! There's nothing like holding a DVD of your favorite film or show in your hands! With streaming, everything belongs to the streaming service. It can feel like you're just renting your favorite films and shows. Show how much of a Menace 2 Society fan you are to the world by proudly displaying your collection!  

Click on the link below to own Menace 2 Society on DVD!

Spoiler review


I love how Menace 2 Society opens. We already feel like its going to be serious! Although dog says he won't steal, you feel he will when he drinks the beer in store. 

The monologue made you connect with the character instantly with the tone of voice. 

The opening scene was shocking! The film doesn't glorify violence. Just shows you the reality of it! You think the man is innocent but we find he stole money from the store. 

I love how the film shows the history of white violence against the black community to give a backstory of the setting. 

You feel the despair the characters face when Caine mentions the drugs started after the riots stopped. 

Its shocking how adults act around children like Caine. 

The dialogue made this film more intense! 

I'm shocked and disturbed the nurse asked for forms after seeing Caine bleeding!

The scene where Grandpa talks about religion shows how much despair Dog has.

The line "do you even care whether you live or die?" was deeply powerful!

You can feel Caine's hopelessness as he stares at the ceiling reflecting on what he did.

You can feel the hate and anger with each shot fired!  

Caine's character progresses as the life he lives isn't what he thought it was. Regardless of what he does, he feels empty inside. I loved how the film shows Caine reflecting deeply in agony. 

You can see Dog among others are not Caine's friends. Dog drinks the beer and leaves none for Caine. 

Its disturbing when the child asks for a drink, alluding to the beginning of the film when Caine does the same.

There are some dark and heavy moments such as Caine's lover admits to him she's pregnant. 

There were some emotional scenes like the jail visit scene. 

The violence in this film was brutal! 

Menace 2 Society's story was profound in so many ways! I believe Dog was Caine's alter ego. In the opening scene, the Koreans didn't necessarily speak directly to Dog. They could've spoken to Caine. Caine's father could've subconsciously influenced Caine to be a murderer. To hide Caine's guilt, Caine blamed Dog for killing the Koreans.  

Dog doesn't help Caine's cousin to the hospital. Dog doesn't actually speak directly to Sharif. Caine's grandfather calls Caine "Kadee Kevin." Dog greets his grandparents but they don't respond to him. Caine's teacher also call Caine Kadee. After Caine's grandparents lecture him, Dog tells Caine he was going to tell him something before they went in the house. This doesn't make sense as Caine was already in the house.

The police only found Caine's fingerprints in the store at the opening scene. This doesn't make sense if Caine and Dog were different people as Dog's fingerprints were practically everywhere. 

When Caine wants a double burger with cheese, it mirrors Dog taking the bag with a double burger and cheese. 

Dog is never there when important people are there to help change Caine's life but he's always there to pressure Caine to commit crimes. 

Dog Sharif tells Dog "you not either Kevin.." Caine may have become an alcoholic as an adult after being given alcohol as a child. Because Caine wants to be like Pernell so bad, its reasonable to think he gave Anthony liquor. To hide his guilt, he blamed Dog. 

Dog almost always speaks rhetorically, reflecting what Caine feels subconsciously. 

Chauncy threatens to send the video tape of Dog shooting the Koreans to the police but he says "I bet you Caine won't be laughing after the police get a hold of this tape.." Why would he give the tape to the police if dog was real and his target was Caine? 

There's a clip of Dog being put in a police car which isn't a flashback. This implies Caine survived and spent life in prison. This explains why he still narrated his alleged death.

When the police chase Dog and Caine, it makes no sense for neither of them to escape if Dog was real. 

When Caine is in jail, Dog is nowhere to be found. 

Caine is resistant to moving to Atlanta just like Dog is because even if he moves there, life probably won't change.   

Dog represents Caine's insecurities, toxic masculine attitudes, fears of dying, and intimacy. You see Caine repeat his parents' behavior. He sells drugs and kills like his father. He doesn't hit Ronnie or get her addicted to drugs like his father but his alter ego, Dog, resents listening to her. He became neglectful of his children like his father.        

I feel Ronnie may have been no better than Dog. She's far older than Caine so one could argue she's a sexual predator. She also wants to isolate Caine from his friends. One of the flaws of this film is some characters feel too one-dimensional.       


I love the cam. shots of the city

I loved how the cam. followed Caine as he entered the house. Its like he was giving you a tour. 

Every shot feels like a photograph!


I love how the music instills emotions without being too distracting. The music is mostly playing in the background. It lets actors do their jobs with the characters. The music reflects the setting accurately. 


The acting is outstanding! Everyone did a fantastic job! It feels so realistic!  


This film has powerful dialogue like during the jail visit at the near end. The dialogue accurately depicts how illiterate and uneducated characters seem.  


This film is not about heroes vs. villains. It shows how poverty and isolation can turn average people into cold-blooded killers. It can cause chaos in society.  

In conclusion, Menace 2 Society is a masterpiece that feels like a documentary! This film is so profound and powerful! Menace 2 Society makes you analyze so many things including poverty as well as crime and systemic racism. I highly recommend you to buy Menace 2 Society on DVD! 

How will this DVD set change your life? 

Its affordable - You're paying less than if you bought this new! Warranties are scams! Warranties don't cover all damages nor do you need them. The store already ensures the product is new. If you take good care of your product, the probability of it breaking is low especially if its very durable and high-quality! DVDs are extremely durable! Save money with this product!   

DVDs are cheaper than streaming - Streaming sites are a waste of money. When you compare the time you're not using your monthly subscription to the time you are, you'll see you're not getting your money's worth. It's worse if your internet is poor to where your movies buffer. You could pay more for better internet but think of how much you're spending. With DVDs, you only make one-time buys which save you a ton of money long-term. Already in one month, you're saving $9-14 in your pocket with these DVDs! How much money would you save in a year with this DVD set vs. a streaming service? 

DVDs have tangible ownership, streams don't - When you buy DVDs, you technically own them. With streams, you only pay for permission to watch them. If a company no longer wants to have its content in say Netflix's library, the company can request Netflix to remove it. You won't be able to stream it anymore. If a company stops selling a movie on DVD, that's the worst thing they can do. The company won't bother to confiscate your DVD.    

DVDs have exclusive content, streams don't - DVDs (namely special editions) have much more content than streaming services such as extended editions, unrated editions, deleted scenes, interviews, "making of" documentaries, etc. Movie streams don't. Typically, streaming services play only standard editions of movies. 

You can resell DVDs but not streams - You can resell DVDs since you have tangible ownership of them. With streams, you don't own them so you can't. Once again, you save a ton more money buying DVDs than streaming. 

DVDs have better quality than streams - Quality is determined by bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher quality video and audio. Quality can also be affected by codec encoding and compression techniques. Regular DVDs run at 6-8 megabits per second. Streams usually play movies at lower rates. Netflix for example plays movies at around 5 megabits with a standard connection. If you're a videophile and audiophile like me, what's it costing you to have some of the best video/audio quality possible with this DVD?

DVDs don't require Internet, streams do - If your Internet connection or streaming service fails, you won't be able to finish watching your favorite movies and shows. Nothing is worse than watching one of the most critical and intense scenes in a movie only to be interrupted by say internet lag. It ruins the viewing experience. With DVDs, you don't have those problems.

DVDs look fantastic on display! - DVDs will make your room look much more alive with its stunning physical artwork! There's nothing like holding a DVD of your favorite film or show in your hands! With streaming, everything belongs to the streaming service. It can feel like you're just renting your favorite films and shows. Show how much of a Menace 2 Society fan you are to the world by proudly displaying your collection!  

Click on the link below to own Menace 2 Society on DVD!


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