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Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace film review

In this review, i'll give my thoughts on Star Wars: Episode 1. There will be a spoiler review and a non-spoiler review. 

Non-spoiler review


I love the creativity in this universe! The civilizations are unlike anything ever imagined! They inspire curiosity. 

I love how villains nullify the heroes' strengths which makes them strong villains and the heroes more flawed than we like to believe. The film involves more than just mindless violence.    

The internal conflicts this film has are very powerful. Characters are forced to make hard choices that conflict with others and maybe even themselves. 


Every character whether main, side, or extras is interesting. You want to learn more about them, their backstory, and more. Just about every character is memorable and lovable. Here are some characters that stood out to me the most.     

Queen Amidala perhaps has the most beautiful dress, make-up, and hairstyle! Reminds me of a Japanese Geisha's outfit! Amidala's mannerisms and deep tone of voice show her deeply commanding presence as Queen.     

Amidala is a very interesting character because she is almost completely reserved emotionally. She barely expresses emotions through body language or a change of voice. Nevertheless, you can tell how she's feeling from the way her dress changes as the film progresses. 

Qui Gon is one of my favorite characters. He shows wisdom from his hairstyle, mannerisms,tone of voice, and dialogue. 
Qui Gon becomes in tune with the world around him. He has compassion for those less fortunate, unlike the Jedi council. He puts himself in danger as well as others for the greater good.
Jar-Jar Binks is a charming character because of his mannerisms. He's a powerful and important character because he doesn't understand why civilizations need to divide themselves. He doesn't discriminate. He shows kindness to all.   


The dialogue was mostly strong and bone-chilling! 

At times, i felt the dialogue was too repetitive and unnecessary. We don't need to be reminded of facts we already know.    


I love how the film opens. The camera angles invite you to be part of the journey.   

The cinematography and story universe of this film are absolutely amazing! It doesn't matter what camera shots appear on the screen whether near or far. The end result is the same - you are completely stunned by the beauty of the environment and curious about the world. 


Almost every actor did a superb and amazing job acting. You didn't recognize the actors at all. You just saw characters. They get you highly energized and immersed in the story. The only actor i didn't think play his role well was the person who played Anakin.      


The film score is full of so much awe and wonder. The score is relentless and doesn't hold back its power! The music is so powerful that you could remove the dialogue and it would still be a good film.    

Spoiler review


I love the creativity in this universe! The ship designs and droids are unlike anything ever imagined! It inspires curiosity. 

When Obi-Wan senses trouble, you're already interested in finding out more about the story! Perhaps its related to the droid's treachery or something far deeper.

I love how the Jedi stare out the window in deep contemplation. Without dialogue, we already know what kind of people the Jedi are. The Jedi show what they believe when talking to Boss Nass. They believe harmony with nature is what brings wealth. You further see this during the scene where the fish attacks their vehicle. 

When we're introduced to Sidious, i'm disturbed by his mysterious figure especially when he says "I will make it legal!" A powerful and shocking statement!   

The action is intense! I loved how creative the fight choreography is! Makes me think their moves are from an ancient combat system similar to martial arts. 

I love how villains nullify the heroes' strengths which makes them strong villains and the heroes more flawed than we like to believe. For example, the Jedi managed to fend off droids but couldn't successfully destroy droidekas who remind me of trilobites. The Jedi are forced to flee.         

The battle between the Jedi and Darth Maul is simply legendary! The moment Maul turns on his two-handed lightsaber, you fear for the lives of Qui Gon and Obi Wan. Maul channels his rage and hate just as he attacks them. Maul shows intelligence by trying to separate Qui Gon from Obi Wan to kill them one at a time.

I feel Qui Gon knew he was going to die when he closed his eyes and meditated. Just when you think the stakes couldn't be raised any higher, Qui Gon dies. This leaves Obi Wan to face Maul alone. Obi Wan must fully rely on the force and be completely independent from Qui Gon. When Maul paces back and forth, its like he takes sadistic pleasure in watching the Jedi suffer mentally. My favorite part of the fight is when Obi Wan bounces on his feet before he fights with such ferocity, speed, energy, and focus! Its not just a battle for survival! Winning this battle is the only way Obi Wan can achieve his destiny and apply everything Qui Gon taught him. It was his transition from Padawan to Knight. 

Watching Qui Gon's funeral is emotional. It almost feels like hope is gone.   

The pod racing scene is intense and scary! The death scenes were hard to watch. It was sad and awful for Sebulba to cheat by practically killing competitors. There's no regard for sportsmanship or life.   

The scene where Maul attacks Qui Gon on Tatooine makes you feel Qui Gon is about to die right on the spot! 

The internal conflicts this film has are very powerful. Queen Amidala is compassionate but refuses to go to war which causes the trade federation to exploit her. She realizes she must make hard choices that apparently go against her compassionate nature such as choosing war. 

I was disturbed by how Sidious anticipates Queen Amadala is naive as if he knows her.     

I love how smart the Jedi are. For example, they realized the trade federation would not look for them on Tatooine. 

Right when we meet Watto, i already sense he's corrupt and greedy based on his demeanor. I loved this film's sense of humor. For example, when Qui Gon tries to Jedi mind trick Watto multiple times - Watto says "credits don't work on me, only money!"   

The internal conflict Anakin faces between choosing to be a Jedi and leaving his mother is heart-wrenching. It was emotional too watching him grow.

Anakin's mother protests against him helping the Jedi to preserve their values. She ultimately decides to let him help after he convinces her. Either way, its a tough choice. 

The relationship between Anakin and Padme gets interesting. After they leave Tatooine, that's when they realize they have problems adjusting to their new lives. Nevertheless, their relationship gets stronger. 

Obi-Wan relies heavily on Qui Gon from the beginning of the film. Gradually, he becomes more independent and starts distancing himself from him to form his own opinions. For example, Obi-Wan is displeased to meet Anakin. You can see this exceptionally well when they argue over Anakin being dangerous.   

Its easy to see why the Jedi dislike Anakin. They can sense he's arrogant, selfish, and reckless. However, they also feel he has great potential as a Jedi so they're forced into training him.   


Every character whether main, side, or extras is interesting. You want to learn more about them, their backstory, and more. Just about every character is memorable and lovable. Here are some characters that stood out to me the most.     

I love how strong Queen Amidala is! She has perhaps the most beautiful dress, make-up, and hairstyle! Reminds me of a Japanese Geisha's outfit! Amidala's mannerisms and deep tone of voice show her deeply commanding presence as Queen.     

Amidala is a very interesting character because she is almost completely reserved emotionally. She barely expresses emotions through body language or a change of voice. Nevertheless, you can tell how she's feeling from the way her dress changes as the film progresses. When she wears black, its as if she's grieving over the conflict between her homeland and the trade federation. When she and the others travel back to Naboo, her style of dress changes to brighter colors. I sense she's more optimistic about the dire situation they're in.

Qui Gon is one of my favorite characters. He shows wisdom from his hairstyle, mannerisms, tone of voice, and dialogue. 

Qui Gon becomes in tune with the world around him. He has compassion for those less fortunate, unlike the Jedi council. He puts himself in danger as well as others for the greater good.

Padme is kind but firm when she needs to protect her people. She's curious about the world around her to better understand it. Her relationship with Anakin is complex. She is compassionate to him because he lost his mother like she lost her homeworld to the trade federation.

Jar-Jar Binks is a charming character because of his mannerisms. He's a powerful and important character because he doesn't understand why civilizations need to divide themselves. He doesn't discriminate. He shows kindness to all. As an outcast, he represents balance. Although he's clumsy, he shows bravery and a will to help even after all the dangers he faces. He's also curious.     

R2-D2 is charming due to the noises he makes and his reactions to people. C3PO is also charming due to his accent and choice of words. They have an interesting relationship because C3PO communicates to us exactly what R2D2 is saying.
Episode 1 succeeds in making you despise characters like Nute Gunray. They're cowardly but when they have the upper hand, they act as if they were always fearless and powerful.  

Maul's stare is so intense, ambitious, and full of hate as if he has a point to prove when he's introduced!

You can see how close Maul is to Sidious with the way they interact.  


The dialogue was mostly strong and bone-chilling! For example, when Sidious says "wipe them out...all of them!" - that is powerful, cold, heartless, and brutal! Another scene that shocked me is when Sebulba tells Anakin he would've basically crushed him if he weren't a boy. 

At times, i felt the dialogue was too repetitive and unnecessary. For example, in the scene when Anakin and his mother discuss whether she's a free woman - we know Watto didn't allow her to be freed. We don't need to be reminded of it. The scene would've worked just as well without Qui Gon mentioning that fact.   


I love how the film opens. The camera angles invite you to be part of the journey.   

I loved how the cam. slowly reveals the impressive underwater city awaiting the Jedi! The music also inspires awe!

The shot of Amadala looking out the window in the heat of the day just takes you into a trance as if she embraces what's coming with dismay! Although she's strong, she is willing to open her mind when it benefits her.

During the pod-racing scene, the first-person camerawork does a splendid job of making you feel you could crash head-first into rocks! 

The cinematography and story universe of this film are absolutely amazing! It doesn't matter what camera shots appear on the screen whether near or far. The end result is the same - you are completely stunned by the beauty of the environment and curious about the world. 


Almost every actor did a superb and amazing job acting. You didn't recognize the actors at all. You just saw characters. They get you highly energized and immersed in the story. The only actor i didn't think play his role well was the person who played Anakin.      


The film score is full of so much awe and wonder. The score is relentless and doesn't hold back its power! The music is so powerful that you could remove the dialogue and it would still be a good film. 

The Jedi's music that plays during the opening fight scene makes you think of heroic and noble medieval knights.

The Duel of the Fates is what took this battle to new heights. The choir makes it seem like a ritualistic battle in a sacred temple. It makes you feel like they're fighting for the fate of the Jedi, Anakin, and the universe!  


I loved the theme of Episode 1. No matter how technologically advanced a civilization is, it can still be overpowered by human innovation and hope. When Amadala united with other civilizations, that made them stronger. Although Jar-Jar won battles despite his clumsiness, it shows victory is not given to the most skilled but to those who succumb to the will of the force.   

In conclusion, Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace is an exceptional and amazing film that keeps you highly engaged all the way from beginning to end! There's a ton of complexity in the story world, the internal struggles of the characters, external conflicts, and the theme. 


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