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Three extremes film review

The three extremes film is one of the best horror movies of all time. It's an anthology horror masterpiece. Three extremes film took me on a journey full of disgust, shock, horror, dread, etc.! I was on the edge of my seat for the whole movie! In this review, I'll try my best not to spoil too much because this is a must-watch horror movie! 


Three extremes had a strong and gross opening story! Three extremes wasn't afraid to include very dark and violent content that might've crossed boundaries! 

Three extremes' dialogue was bone-chilling and electrifying! It made the film tenser! In fact, the dialogue is what made the Three extremes film so scary! 

The second story "cut" reminded me much of the horror movie "Saw" but it was drastically different. Saw unfortunately became a boring horror franchise full of nothing but torture. The characters in "Cut" are forced to make very hard choices and reveal who they really are under pressure. "Cut" was psychologically brutal and far better than almost all of the Saw movies. 

The last story was more dramatic than scary. If I had to list one flaw from the Three extremes film, it would have to be this. Nevertheless, it was still horrifying! When Shoko emerges from the box, that was one of the scariest scenes of the movie! There's no gore in this scene. No one's trying to kill each other. There's just pure psychological torture and torment from Kyoko's guilt over what she did! This is what I love about Asian horror movies!


The soundtrack in the Three extremes film made the film scarier and helped us understand the characters! The soundtrack mostly consisted of noise but it was effective! In "Dumplings", the noise emphasized tension and disgust while the beautiful music symbolized the main character's hopes. 

The last story made great use of silence to build horror! 


The camera shots (namely moving camera ones) made the Three extremes film more uneasy! The close up shots of the main character staring at the camera made three extremes more disturbing! I loved the use of color in each story of the Three extremes film! 


The actors were mind-blowing! The acting felt so real especially in cut and dumplings!   


The opening story "dumplings" gave a scary commentary on Chinese culture that might just become reality. In traditional Chinese culture, people will do extreme things to attain beauty and excellent health. People eat certain foods westerners find disgusting because they believe it will give them certain benefits. China is one of the rare countries that doesn't have dietary restrictions. I wouldn't be surprised if the next step in the quest for beauty for the Chinese is cannibalism. 

The second story "cut" had a profound message on the rich and powerful abusing their power. Those of high social status treat those of lower status horribly. What made it scary was how the characters profoundly affected each other. What made this story so scary was the philosophy that good people can become horrible given the circumstances. 

The theme of envy was prevalent in all three movies. The Three extremes film warns of the danger of envy and how it can cause people to do horrible things because of a distortion of reality. It's not uncommon in some parts of the world for jealous men to kill their girlfriends simply because they suspected infidelity. This is what made the Three extremes film terrifying!    

In conclusion, the three extremes film for all of those reasons is a real horror masterpiece! It had straight raw energy from beginning to end! That's why I recommend you buy the three extremes 2-disk special edition DVD! How would you benefit from buying this DVD? 

DVDs are cheaper than streaming - Streaming sites are a waste of money. When you compare the time you're not using your monthly subscription to the time you are, you'll see you're not getting your money's worth. It's worse if your internet is poor to where your movies buffer. You're wasting money paying monthly fees. If you pay more for better internet, that's even worse. With DVDs, you only make one-time buys which save you a ton of money long-term.

DVDs have tangible ownership, streams don't - When you buy DVDs, you technically own them. With streams, you only pay for permission to watch them. If a company no longer wants to have its content in say Netflix's library, the company can request Netflix to remove it. You won't be able to stream it anymore. If a company stops selling a movie on DVD, that's the worst thing they can do. The company won't bother to confiscate your DVD.    

DVDs have exclusive content, streams don't - DVDs (namely special editions) have much more content than streaming services such as extended editions, unrated editions, deleted scenes, interviews, "making of" documentaries, etc. Movie streams don't. Typically, streaming services play only standard editions of movies. This DVD set has a making of documentary and full version of "Dumplings."  

You can resell DVDs but not streams - You can resell DVDs since you have tangible ownership of them. With streams, you don't own them so you can't. Once again, you save a ton more money buying DVDs than streaming. 

DVDs have better quality than streams - Quality is determined by bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher quality video and audio. Quality can also be affected by codec encoding and compression techniques. Regular DVDs run at 6-8 megabits per second. Streams usually play movies at lower rates. Netflix for example plays movies at around 5 megabits with a standard connection. This DVD set has 5.1 Dolby Digital.  

DVDs don't require Internet, streams do - If your internet connection or streaming service fails, you won't be able to finish watching your favorite movies and shows. Nothing is worse than watching one of the most critical and intense scenes in a movie only to be interrupted by say internet lag. It ruins the viewing experience. With DVDs, you don't have those problems. 

DVDs look fantastic on display! - DVDs will make your room look much more alive with its stunning physical artwork! There's nothing like holding a DVD of your favorite film in your hands! With streaming, everything belongs to the streaming service. It can feel like you're just renting your favorite films.  

New copy. 

Used copy.


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