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The Exorcist extended movie review

I'll be reviewing the horror masterpiece - the Exorcist extended edition (1973). I was disturbed when i watched it twice! This review will contain some spoilers so be warned! 


The dialogue is robust, especially in the scene where the priest confronts his mother. 


The cinematography truly captured the character's faces very well, especially in the scene where the priest visits his mom. I loved the strong opening especially the long shot of the house at the beginning before the light turned off. The lighting is very good at showing gloom, despair, and tension at some points. I love how the film uses wide camera shots of the environment around the characters. It makes us feel the main characters know things others do not. 


Characters are three-dimensional. It's scary how we don't know exactly how Pezuzu sounds and acts other than through Reagan. The exorcist does a terrific job at making you feel for the characters, especially Reagan. I felt awful watching her undergo torment at the hands of doctors and Pezuzu. Chris is someone who would do anything for her daughter even if she thinks it's ludicrous. I loved how the characters deeply affect one another. 


I love how in the Exorcist extended movie, there is almost no music. Several omens are shown exceptionally well without music. The Exorcist extended movie is not like other horror movies that excessively use music to try to scare you. When there is music in the Exorcist extended edition, it made you feel like something bad was going to happen. 


The acting in the Exorcist extended edition was incredible! Reagan MacNeil played her role amazingly well!  


The film's about a girl who becomes possessed. Her mother seeks help from Catholic priests.

The story does a great job of explaining the origin of the villain we're going to face at the beginning of the film. It's disturbing how Pezuzu's face on the artifact resembles Reagan's face later. The Exorcist does a great job of blending horror with elements of crime, drama, and maybe psychological horror. Internal and external conflicts are well balanced. 

I love the small subtle scenes that foreshadow what's going on happen such as Reagan's mother and her daughter play fighting. The changing environment around the characters makes you feel bad omens are happening. 

The film did a fantastic job of using natural sound and body language to build suspense in its viewers! For example, the father sees strange occurrences and seems very concerned. The Exorcist extended edition does not just focus on horrifying visuals but audio as well. 

I love how the horror is in the fact scientists can't exactly pinpoint the problem with Reagan. It's ambiguous whether they know it's supernatural but don't want to admit it or are clueless. Chris Macneil is trapped in an almost hopeless situation. 

Reagan's transformation is terrifying throughout the story. I loved the build-up of conflict. Just when you thought things couldn't get worse, they do. 

The ending is shocking and dramatic. It's ambiguous and open to interpretation. I interpreted it as good triumphs over evil but at a cost. 

Overall, I thought this was one of the best exorcism movies of all time if not the best. I highly recommend buying the Exorcist extended movie edition on DVD! How would you benefit from buying this DVD? 

DVDs are cheaper than streaming - Streaming sites are a waste of money. When you compare the time you're not using your monthly subscription to the time you are, you'll see you're not getting your money's worth. It's worse if your internet is poor to where your movies buffer. You're wasting money paying monthly fees. If you pay more for better internet, that's even worse. With DVDs, you only make one-time buys which save you a ton of money long-term.

DVDs have tangible ownership, streams don't - When you buy DVDs, you technically own them. With streams, you only pay for permission to watch them. If a company no longer wants to have its content in say Netflix's library, the company can request Netflix to remove it. You won't be able to stream it anymore. If a company stops selling a movie on DVD, that's the worst thing they can do. The company won't bother to confiscate your DVD.    

DVDs have exclusive content, streams don't - DVDs (namely special editions) have much more content than streaming services such as extended editions, unrated editions, deleted scenes, interviews, "making of" documentaries, etc. Movie streams don't. Typically, streaming services play only standard editions of movies. The exorcist director's cut extended edition DVD for example has more footage that was cut out of the theatrical version. It includes a commentary.   

You can resell DVDs but not streams - You can resell DVDs since you have tangible ownership of them. With streams, you don't own them so you can't. Once again, you save a ton more money buying DVDs than streaming. 

DVDs have better quality than streams - Quality is determined by bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher quality video and audio. Quality can also be affected by codec encoding and compression techniques. Regular DVDs run at 6-8 megabits per second. Streams usually play movies at lower rates. Netflix for example plays movies at around 5 megabits with a standard connection.This DVD has Dolby Digital 5.1 EX.  

DVDs don't require Internet, streams do - If your internet connection or streaming service fails, you won't be able to finish watching your favorite movies and shows. Nothing is worse than watching one of the most critical and intense scenes in a movie only to be interrupted by say internet lag. It ruins the viewing experience. With DVDs, you don't have those problems. 

DVDs look fantastic on display! - DVDs will make your room look much more alive with its stunning physical artwork! There's nothing like holding a DVD of your favorite film in your hands! With streaming, everything belongs to the streaming service. It can feel like you're just renting your favorite films.  

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