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7 reasons why you should watch and/or listen to Opera

I hope by the end of this article, i can convince you to watch as well as listen to Opera especially if you've never had any experience with Opera.  

Opera is poetry, music, and dramatic storytelling all in one - Opera stands out because of this. You can watch Opera as well as listen to it. Other genres can have "stories" in music videos but not to the extent Opera has them.

Opera houses are special - Opera houses can be breathtakingly beautiful which can enhance the overall experience of Opera. Opera houses can make you feel like a guest. Opera houses are built so fans can see the stage from the comfort of their seats from different floors and distances. Opera houses can have a long tradition and art for you to explore before or after the Opera. In many other genres, live concerts are awful physically. Concert halls all look the same. Being in a crowd can make you feel like you're in a herd of cattle crammed in a confined area. Some people report not being able to see artists because of people's arms or heights blocking the view. Heat can cause fans to pass out. Concert halls in other music genres aren't as glamorous. The focus is solely on the music.  

Opera singers don't use mics or lip sync - It's extremely rare for Opera singers to lip sync. On the other hand, it seems common for artists in other genres to lip-sync and use mics. It feels like a scam to pay to see artists who only pretend to sing when they feel like it.

Opera is very demanding - Opera singers have to sing over the orchestra and act at once. It's physically and emotionally demanding. Musicians of other genres aren't held up to those standards.

Opera is powerful - Opera singing is physically and emotionally powerful. I've heard people say Opera allows people to express emotion more than other genres. Whether characters are expressing anger, sorrow, hate, or joy in their singing - vibrato helps them to effectively do it well. You can feel their emotions from every note they sing to the music. Characters can only speak so much before speaking is futile and they must burst into song to express themselves to the fullest! Opera is also special because the story is more character-based than story-based. Opera characters have to express themselves much more strongly and dramatically than characters who simply talk in films and TV shows. Films and TV shows tend to show huge dramatic action sequences. The costume and set designs can also help make visual story-telling more dramatic.              

Opera is very skilled - It takes a ton of skill to make music in Opera. In other genres, artists aren't held up to those standards. I can't stand pop singers who just play a few notes on the piano while singing. They seem to think it sounds emotional but its really mediocre and bland.

Opera can be very versatile - While people perform the same Operas, they also add fresh new interpretations of them. You can watch and/or listen to Opera. I haven't seen that much versatility in other music genres.

Once again, i hope i convinced you to give Opera a chance!  


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