Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith film review
I give my thoughts on Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith with a non spoiler review and spoiler review.
Non spoiler review
Star Wars Episode 3 is the darkest and saddest episode! The action gets more jaw-dropping than the previous episodes! The ships, architecture, and characters are so iconic! This Episode makes allusions to past episodes, raises the stakes, develops the characters to levels we've never thought existed, and more!
The shots were filmed exceptionally well. I've never seen some shots filmed the way they were in Episode 3.
I'm amazed at how every episode just keeps giving fresh jaw-dropping and incredibly emotionally charged scores! Some of the music in Episode 3 makes you want to cry. The rest can be very eerie, disturbing, and almost nightmarish!
The dialogue was simple and straightforward but heated! The characters said the right things when needed.
Sometimes, i felt the dialogue was too wooden. Some lines were better cut out from the film. Like in Episode 2, Episode 3 also suffers from excessive comic relief. The punchlines seem forced and dull.
Like in Episode 2, Episode 3 also suffers from excessive comic relief. The punchlines seem forced and dull.
The acting was absolutely unbelievable! The actors gave completely incredible performances! I was amazed by how much emotion they conveyed in the film!
The choreography was also epic and memorable. There were times when i felt more time should've been spent on the choreography.
The theme of Star Wars Episode 3 is about the dangers of clinging onto things outside of your control. The other theme is if you don't defend democracy, dictators disguised as senators will infiltrate it and try to change it from the inside out. The theme is also centered on the dangers of not being honest and bonding with others.
In conclusion, Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith is a must-watch film! Episode 3 was so depressing, powerful, and heart-shattering! Despite seeing it around 3 times, i still get depressed and mourn afterward. Episode 3 is a film that leaves you pondering on so much. I highly recommend you to buy Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith on DVD and Blu-ray for JUST $5!
Spoiler review
Star Wars Episode 3 is the darkest and saddest episode! The action gets more jaw-dropping than the previous episodes! The ships, architecture, and characters are so iconic!
For example, when Obi-Wan decapitated Grevious' bodyguard and it kept attacking - I felt Obi-Wan was going to die!
The battle between Dooku and Anakin was more ferocious than the last battle in Episode 2 although it was short! There was more at stake! When Dooku points out Anakin had fear and anger, that is the moment when you feel Anakin had no other choice but to give in to them. If Anakin didn't, he could potentially lose the battle.
I was disturbed seeing Palpatine's reactions. Its as if he knew this would happen and planned on it. Dooku was shocked Palpatine betrayed him in favor of Anakin. Anakin's reaction to killing Dooku was bone-chilling!
I love how Obi-Wan is humble enough to recognize when Anakin is doing better than him.
The interactions between Anakin and Padme are adorable as well as charming.
I feel Yoda foresaw the future destruction of the Jedi order ever since Episode 2. Yoda appears to embrace it because it feels inevitable.
The opening was strong! I'm surprised Obi-Wan and Anakin did not get instantly demolished in the immense heat of battle!
When the droids crawl on Obi-Wan's ship and try to dismantle it, that was special as well as more anxiety-provoking than ships trying to shoot each other down with lasers!
I'm surprised by how well R2-D2 handled situations in combat!
Darth Sidious is a disturbing villain because he's so manipulative to where he almost risks his life to achieve a grander scheme. For example, Sidious admits to Anakin he's the Sith lord controlling the Republic. Sidious wants Anakin to report him to the Jedi council because that'll put Anakin in a serious predicament - Betray the Jedi order and become a Sith lord or lose Padme forever.
When Mace Windu told Anakin the council would not grant him the rank of master, my heart stopped! I completely froze in disbelief! I felt Anakin was going to have an outburst and storm out in anger!
The tragedy of Darth Plaeuigus scene was perhaps the most disturbing scene from Episode 3! You feel the coldness of Palpatine's manipulation. Because of Anakin's unresolved grief, he succumbs more and more to the dark side!
The chase scene was heart-pounding, beautiful, and creative! However, even if Obi-Wan defeats Grevious - it still feels like a very small victory.
The fight between Mace Windu and Darth Sidious is one of the most ferocious battles of Episode 3! There is so much at stake! Sidious is terrifying when we see him change physically and mentally, especially when he jumps at the Jedi with an ear-piercing shriek! It sounded like a banshee haunting the land of the living! I was scared when Palpatine jumped at the Jedi and started killing highly skilled Jedi as if they were padawans! When i saw Mace Windu, one of my favorite characters, die the way he did, my heart sank. I couldn't recover from that point on. Sidious shows how despicable he is by pretending to be weak only to manipulate Anakin even more to do his will and land the killing blow to Windu with lightning.
The ruminations of Padme are one of the darkest scenes in the film! It feels as if the light of hope is slowly fading away and darkness is approaching. There is growing evil in Anakin. He wants to do right but he knows he can't let Padme die. There's no turning back for him. He has to join the Sith and fully succumb to the dark side. Padme senses the evil in him too but feels like she denies it. This scene makes you feel like Anakin is destined for destruction and evil.
Anakin's downfall is completely tragic and depressing. He is angry and sad the Jedi order won't trust him. They won't give him the power he feels he earned after having done so much for them. He realizes they seem to care more about resources than lives like those of his mother. Ultimately, he turns to the dark side because Palpatine is the only person who sees potential in him. Palpatine doesn't want him to deny himself and restrain himself from his impulses.
One of the most horrifying and sad scenes of Episode 3 is when Anakin kills the children. I feel it alludes to him killing the Tusken raiders' children in Episode 2.
The death of the Jedi during Order 66 is probably the saddest scene of the film that makes you want to cry. The characters you grew to love since Episode 1 are dying cruel deaths at the hands of those they trusted. Many didn't even get the chance to draw their lightsabers. It feels like hope, peace, and knowledge are fading away with each Jedi death.
When Yoda faces Sidious, that's when excitement rises to new levels! You want to see Yoda's power fully unleashed and hope Yoda is the one to stop Sidious although you know there's an extremely low chance of that happening! Just like in the fight with Windu, it seems Sidious toys with Yoda by pretending to be weak only to reveal how much stronger he is. Sidious takes his time in mocking Yoda and mentally torturing him with false hope. Yoda realizes he can't win this battle let alone defeat Anakin at this point so he retreats. When he says "failed i have..", that broke me into more despair.
The fight between Anakin and Obi-Wan is the most furious battle! I was surprised at how reckless and unrelenting they were! It was all or nothing! They were fighting for the fate of the galaxy and everything they held dear! I felt Anakin was going to kill Obi-Wan during the battle! When they battled on Mustufar, it felt like the Apocalypse and end of civilization were near! I was disturbed by how much Anakin's face has changed. It looks more evil, soulless almost, and full of despair!I was surprised by how much Obi-Wan grew as a fighter. When Anakin jumps over him and tries to cut him down, you see an allusion to the fight with Maul. For a moment, you feel Anakin is going to cut him down like Obi-Wan cut down Maul. Obi-Wan learns not to give in to recklessness like he did in his fight with Maul and intercepts Anakin. From that point on, this scene was hard to watch especially when Anakin screams "i hate you!" as he's burning! Its like he's burning in hell for his sins! Your soul gets pierced seeing this is what became of best friends.
By the end of the film, you realize that Palpatine is comparing Anakin to Plaeuigus when he tells the story of Darth Plaeuigus. Anakin wants to stop people from dying but he can't save himself. Its also hinted Sidious was Plaeuigus's apprentice who ended up killing Plaeuigus to gain power.
Yoda feels he failed because he didn't trust Anakin and was too naive. The downfall of the Jedi order was a lack of compassion. If only Yoda tried to guide Anakin on the right path with compassion, he may never turned to the dark side.
Sidious probably manipulated Anakin by using the dark side of the Force to make him have nightmares and fool him into believing Padme was in danger of external forces. Anakin didn't realize he was the real danger to Padme's life all along.
Sidious may've indirectly caused Shmi's miraculous birth.
As Vader's bed is lifted, it's as if he's fulfilling his inevitable destiny!
When Qui Gon's funeral music plays, you feel hope slowly dying. It feels as if Qui Gon was terribly wrong about Anakin being the chosen one and died in vain.
Yoda along with Obi-Wan will most likely spend the remainder of their lives mourning the loss of the Jedi and reflecting on their mistakes. The Jedi were arrogant in thinking the Sith were no match for them.
Padme also suffered tremendously. She realized the democracy she believed in and worked so hard to support never existed. She also lost the man she loved and the Jedi. Anakin and her could've lived happily together but because Anakin didn't let go of his fears of losing her - they lost practically everything.
I feel Darth Maul may have sensed Darth Sidious betrayed him. In Episode 1, Maul sees Obi-Wan and is baffled by Obi-Wan's morale. When Maul dies, he may've realized Sidious lied to him and led him to his death in favor of Anakin. This was utterly wicked on Sidious' part. Maul was an extension of himself - his rage, hate, skill, etc.
We see how awful Sidious is to salvage what's left of Anakin and turn him into a soulless machine to satisfy his lust for power.
Despite all the tragedies, i was relieved to see some good things happen to the characters we love. Obi Wan gets the chance to talk to Qui Gon after so long. Anakin's children are adopted by loving people.
The shots were filmed exceptionally well especially when Anakin storms into the Jedi Temple with the clone troopers!
Like in Episode 2, Episode 3 also suffers from excessive comic relief. The punchlines seem forced and dull.
The theme of Star Wars Episode 3 is about the dangers of clinging onto things outside of your control. Because Anakin couldn't train himself to let go of everything he feared to lose, he resorted to selfishness and cruel acts in an attempt to remain attached to it all. The other theme is if you don't defend democracy, dictators disguised as senators will infiltrate it and try to change it from the inside out. The theme is also centered on the dangers of not being honest and bonding with others.

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