I give my thoughts on Star Wars Episode 4 in a non spoiler and spoiler review.
Non Spoiler review
The story is completely memorable. It flows naturally as the conflicts keep escalating. The action in this film is amazing! Nothing feels out of place whether its the dialogue, characters, scenes, list goes on! Star Wars Episode 4 takes you on a journey full of various emotions, action, and adventure!
I love characters like Han Solo. He's charismatic, stylish, courageous, and humorous
Leia is aggressive and dominant.
Characters like Chewbacca were admirable even when he can't talk.
Jabba the Hutt is intimidating and ruthless!
I love how strong the dialogue is in Star Wars episode 4! The jokes in this film are funny. Vader's dialogue is ruthless!
I admire C3PO's mannerisms and dialogue especially in this film.
The music is unforgettable! The force theme inspires hope, imagination, and awe! I love the Mos Eisley cantina music! Its so iconic, stylish, and makes you want to relax there!
The actors were fantastic in their roles! We only saw characters, not actors. Even when Vader's lines feel wooden at times, the actor's voice gives them strong presence and authority.
The theme centers on finding your own identity, trusting yourself, and the importance of bonding with others.
In conclusion, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope is a must-watch film! I highly recommend you to buy Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope on DVD and Blu-ray for JUST $6!
How will this DVD/Blu-ray box set change your life?
Its affordable - You're paying less than if you bought this new! Warranties are scams! Warranties don't cover all damages nor do you need them. The store already ensures the product is new. If you take good care of your product, the probability of it breaking is low especially if its very durable and high-quality! DVDs are extremely durable! Save money with this product!
Blu-ray Disc delivers full 1080p video resolution to provide pristine picture quality.
Blu-ray Disc provides as many as 7.1 channels of uncompressed surround sound for crystal-clear audio entertainment.
With a 3DTV and 3D Blu-ray player, you can enjoy the latest 3D movies in Full HD.
With Blu-ray Disc, you can enjoy such capabilities as seamless menu navigation, exciting, new bonus features and network/internet connectivity.
Blu-ray Discs are available in 25GB single layer or 50GB dual layer discs – five times the capacity of DVD.
DVDs are cheaper than streaming - Streaming sites are a waste of money. When you compare the time you're not using your monthly subscription to the time you are, you'll see you're not getting your money's worth. It's worse if your internet is poor to where your movies buffer. You could pay more for better internet but think of how much you're spending. With DVDs, you only make one-time buys which save you a ton of money long-term. Already in one month, you're saving $9-14 in your pocket with these DVDs! How much money would you save in a year with this DVD set vs. a streaming service?
DVDs have tangible ownership, streams don't - When you buy DVDs, you technically own them. With streams, you only pay for permission to watch them. If a company no longer wants to have its content in say Netflix's library, the company can request Netflix to remove it. You won't be able to stream it anymore. If a company stops selling a movie on DVD, that's the worst thing they can do. The company won't bother to confiscate your DVD.
DVDs have exclusive content, streams don't - DVDs (namely special editions) have much more content than streaming services such as extended editions, unrated editions, deleted scenes, interviews, "making of" documentaries, etc. Movie streams don't. Typically, streaming services play only standard editions of movies.
You can resell DVDs but not streams - You can resell DVDs since you have tangible ownership of them. With streams, you don't own them so you can't. Once again, you save a ton more money buying DVDs than streaming.
DVDs have better quality than streams - Quality is determined by bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher quality video and audio. Quality can also be affected by codec encoding and compression techniques. Regular DVDs run at 6-8 megabits per second. Streams usually play movies at lower rates. Netflix for example plays movies at around 5 megabits with a standard connection. If you're a videophile and audiophile like me, what's it costing you to have some of the best video/audio quality possible with this DVD?
DVDs don't require Internet, streams do - If your Internet connection or streaming service fails, you won't be able to finish watching your favorite movies and shows. Nothing is worse than watching one of the most critical and intense scenes in a movie only to be interrupted by say internet lag. It ruins the viewing experience. With DVDs, you don't have those problems.
DVDs look fantastic on display! - DVDs will make your room look much more alive with its stunning physical artwork! There's nothing like holding a DVD of your favorite film or show in your hands! With streaming, everything belongs to the streaming service. It can feel like you're just renting your favorite films and shows. Show how much of a Star Wars fan you are to the world by proudly displaying your collection!
Click on the link below to own Star Wars Episode 4 on DVD and Blu-Ray!
https://www.ebay.com/itm/315699281042Spoiler review
The opening scene was very suspenseful! It was like seeing a primitive tribe getting slaughtered by a more sophisticated civilization! When we're introduced to Princess Leia, her white dress seems like a symbol of hope.
When we see a close up of Leia's face, we can see she's afraid but aggressive and violent!
The cinematography is incredible! When the cam. whirls in circles as the droids escape in the pod, i got extremely nervous and uneasy! That would agitate me!
The shots of the sand dunes on Tatooine are stunningly breathtaking!
The shaky first-person camerawork further builds suspense of a possible ambush on R2-D2!
When the Jawa capture R2, you worry what will happen to the archive Leia gave to him!
Luke's such a relatable character! His adopted father wants him to be just like him but Luke doesn't want that life which is sad. When Luke looks at the sunset, it feels as if he deeply hopes for a life of adventure beyond the stars!
The scene of Luke facing the Tusken raiders had me uneasy! I thought Luke made a huge mistake trying to spy on them!
When Obi Wan requests Luke to be a Jedi because he's the only person who can help Leia, Luke refuses because of limiting self-belief. Now he's in a huge dilemma. He wants to live a life of adventure but at the same time, he doesn't want to completely separate from his adopted parents. When the stormtroopers kill Luke's parents, Luke has no choice but to follow Obi Wan. It was devastating to watch Luke's home destroyed!
During the torture scene of Leia, it was completely disturbing seeing the droid who would torture her. What made this film worse is the fact it didn't show her torture. We're left to imagine what happened in that room.
The cantina scene was very tense and made you feel isolated! When the camera focuses on the aliens, you feel out of place as if you don't belong there physically and morally.
The story flows naturally as the conflicts keep escalating. When Greedo meets Solo, he has no choice but to follow Obi Wan and the rest of the crew to escape the bounty hunters!
The action in this film is amazing! You would think Han Solo, Luke, Obi-Wan, the droids, and Chewbacca would escape the stormtroopers from ground level. Instead, the Empire keeps pursuing them in space!
It was awful and horrible beyond comprehension seeing the death star destroy an entire planet!
The external conflicts are compelling and very creative! For example, Han Solo refuses to rescue Leia to avoid risking his life for someone he doesn't know. Luke has to convince him its in his best interest to do so. He knows Han wants to repay Jabba so he tells him she's rich.
The external conflicts are also astounding! There are a few heroes in a space station full of enemies! I love how the characters often improvise as they go along.
I love how powerful the internal conflict is in this film. When Obi Wan dies, Luke completely loses the will to survive. He already prepares to make his last stand! He would've died had it not been for Obi Wan's voice telling him to run! The stakes are raised. Now they don't have Obi-Wan's guidance and must fend for themselves!
Its interesting to note in Episode 3 when Anakin and Obi Wan fight the droidekas, that alludes to Obi Wan fighting alongside Qui Gon Jinn in Episode 1. Its as if the film is foreshadowing the death of Obi Wan at the hands of Darth Vader!
The battle over the death star had me almost sweating! Apparently because of Tie fighters' size and speed as they flew behind rebel fighters, the rebel fighters were defenseless! Luke struggled internally with self-trust. He almost always relied on others for guidance but he had to trust in himself in that critical moment! Otherwise, he risked getting himself and the rebels killed! Just when you feel all hope is lost and he's about to die, Solo comes to the rescue which further boosts his charisma!
I love characters like Han Solo. He's charismatic, stylish, courageous, and humorous especially in the cantina scene. He's a realist who clashes with Jedi views. One of his flaws is arrogance. For example, he hates to admit the truth he's not as dominant as he likes to be so he lies. When the Storm troopers pin them down with blaster fire, he says Luke is the brains of the operation instead of him. When they fall into the garbage dump, he says he had everything under control. He also struggles with trusting others. He refuses to join Luke at first because he already got what he wanted. However, because of Luke's argument with him - Solo eventually realizes Luke and his crew saved his life practically. Besides, if Solo just leaves the rebels to fend for themselves and the Empire defeats them then they'll probably threaten his life for attacking them.

Leia is aggressive, dominant, and refuses to be submissive even when captured. There are times when she doesn't just insult people. Just states facts. For example, she says "Governor Tarkin! I should've expected to find you holding Vader's leash!" Vader thought he was the master who ruled the Empire when it was people like Tarkin. Without Tarkin, Vader wouldn't have the death star. She is also clever. For example, she changes her accent when talking to the Empire to disguise her identity.
Obi Wan has changed more since Episode 3. He's far less analytical and more at peace. He trusts more in the force and feeling. He became more like Qui Gon Jinn.
Darth Vader also became darker and more violent after Episode 3. It seems after Padme's tragic death, Vader lost hope and gave into the dark side completely.
Characters like Chewbacca were admirable even when he can't talk. Chewbacca was smart for shooting the cameras to stop the Empire from discovering their location and plans!
Jabba the Hutt is intimidating and ruthless! He brought an army of bounty hunters to force Solo into repaying him! His massive weight is a symbol of his greed and lack of compassion for those less fortunate than him.
I love how strong the dialogue is in Star Wars episode 4! Obi Wan tells Luke "that's your uncle talking!" The dialogue does a splendid job in building up tension like in the cantina scene.
The dialogue between Solo and the Empire over radio communication is extremely suspenseful!
The jokes in this film are funny.
Vader's dialogue is ruthless! When a member of the Empire says "she'll die before she'll tell you anything!", he says "leave that to me!" Its as if he implies he'll torture her because he owns her life!
I admire C3PO's mannerisms and dialogue especially in this film. In the beginning, he convinces Owen Lars to buy him and R2 very well!
The music is unforgettable! The force theme inspires hope, imagination, and awe! I love the Mos Eisley cantina music! Its so iconic, stylish, and makes you want to relax there!
The actors were fantastic in their roles! We only saw characters, not actors. Even when Vader's lines feel wooden at times, the actor's voice gives them strong presence and authority.
The theme centers on finding your own identity, trusting yourself, and the importance of bonding with others.
In conclusion, Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope is a must-watch film! Star Wars Episode 4 takes you on a journey full of various emotions, action, and adventure! I highly recommend you to buy Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope on DVD and Blu-ray for JUST $6!
How will this DVD/Blu-ray box set change your life?
Its affordable - You're paying less than if you bought this new! Warranties are scams! Warranties don't cover all damages nor do you need them. The store already ensures the product is new. If you take good care of your product, the probability of it breaking is low especially if its very durable and high-quality! DVDs are extremely durable! Save money with this product!
Blu-ray Disc delivers full 1080p video resolution to provide pristine picture quality.
Blu-ray Disc provides as many as 7.1 channels of uncompressed surround sound for crystal-clear audio entertainment.
With a 3DTV and 3D Blu-ray player, you can enjoy the latest 3D movies in Full HD.
With Blu-ray Disc, you can enjoy such capabilities as seamless menu navigation, exciting, new bonus features and network/internet connectivity.
Blu-ray Discs are available in 25GB single layer or 50GB dual layer discs – five times the capacity of DVD.
DVDs are cheaper than streaming - Streaming sites are a waste of money. When you compare the time you're not using your monthly subscription to the time you are, you'll see you're not getting your money's worth. It's worse if your internet is poor to where your movies buffer. You could pay more for better internet but think of how much you're spending. With DVDs, you only make one-time buys which save you a ton of money long-term. Already in one month, you're saving $9-14 in your pocket with these DVDs! How much money would you save in a year with this DVD set vs. a streaming service?
DVDs have tangible ownership, streams don't - When you buy DVDs, you technically own them. With streams, you only pay for permission to watch them. If a company no longer wants to have its content in say Netflix's library, the company can request Netflix to remove it. You won't be able to stream it anymore. If a company stops selling a movie on DVD, that's the worst thing they can do. The company won't bother to confiscate your DVD.
DVDs have exclusive content, streams don't - DVDs (namely special editions) have much more content than streaming services such as extended editions, unrated editions, deleted scenes, interviews, "making of" documentaries, etc. Movie streams don't. Typically, streaming services play only standard editions of movies.
You can resell DVDs but not streams - You can resell DVDs since you have tangible ownership of them. With streams, you don't own them so you can't. Once again, you save a ton more money buying DVDs than streaming.
DVDs have better quality than streams - Quality is determined by bitrate. Higher bitrate means higher quality video and audio. Quality can also be affected by codec encoding and compression techniques. Regular DVDs run at 6-8 megabits per second. Streams usually play movies at lower rates. Netflix for example plays movies at around 5 megabits with a standard connection. If you're a videophile and audiophile like me, what's it costing you to have some of the best video/audio quality possible with this DVD?
DVDs don't require Internet, streams do - If your Internet connection or streaming service fails, you won't be able to finish watching your favorite movies and shows. Nothing is worse than watching one of the most critical and intense scenes in a movie only to be interrupted by say internet lag. It ruins the viewing experience. With DVDs, you don't have those problems.
DVDs look fantastic on display! - DVDs will make your room look much more alive with its stunning physical artwork! There's nothing like holding a DVD of your favorite film or show in your hands! With streaming, everything belongs to the streaming service. It can feel like you're just renting your favorite films and shows. Show how much of a Star Wars fan you are to the world by proudly displaying your collection!
Click on the link below to own Star Wars Episode 4 on DVD and Blu-Ray!
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