What's wrong with WWE promos?
Posted by Isaiah P.
Posted on 1:38 PM
with 1 comment

Other promotions have managed to create better promos with their own independence. Take a look at TNA's promo on a match between Raven and Jeff Jarrett at Clockwork Orange House of Fun:
Notice that it had it's own independent setting as Raven was on the mic. Shortly after, he is attacked by Jeff Jarrett. It's all in one promo. No clips are being reused. No attempts to enhance visuals or audio like WWE does in their promos. It's simple and straight-forward.
Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying that WWE sucks at making promos. My only wish is that they would find ways to build up an intense anticipation for their matches. Writing exciting and highly anticipating promos take great craftsmanship. WWE has nearly mastered this by creating interesting feuds and merging history. Now all that is left is for them to bring it all together and creating something fresh for a match.
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