Why unmaksed Kane was more monstrous than Masked Kane
Posted by Isaiah P.
Posted on 3:20 PM
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Yes, masked Kane is soulless and a monster. He also brings an eerie presence about him whenever he enters the ring. Masked Kane showed no emotion whatsoever which was great for intimidating pro-wrestlers in the ring. Nevertheless, he was a static robot. He had no dialogue and no way to show his character. When Kane removed his mask, we saw the monster beneath.

Unmasked Kane is far more perverted than masked Kane because he takes great satisfaction in inflicting suffering in others. Unmasked Kane was surely more destructive. Masked Kane could never reach the heights of Kane when he was unmasked. Perhaps if masked Kane had a manager to compensate for lack of speech during promos then maybe. However masked Kane would be very limited as a character.
This is my opinion of the matter but i ultimately feel that Kane's character has evolved during his time in the WWF/WWE.
Big Red Machine,
Masked Kane.,
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