John Cena does not suck
Posted by Isaiah P.
Posted on 2:25 PM
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John Cena was a jobber in his early career once upon a time. He didn't intend on being famous. He only wrestled to push other wrestlers. It was only when the fans took an interest in him that WWE made the decision to push him. Because of this, John Cena was born and he won match after match, title after title, etc. Originally, he was geared to older audiences when he adopted the vulgar rap battle and later the soldier gimmick.

His golden age began in the ruthless aggression era as he was somewhat equally balanced compared to other popular superstars. Do i believe he's hugely overrated now? Yes. The arrival of the PG era has pushed him unnecessarily and made him appeal to family friendly audiences. WWE simply pushed him to the point where he became the backbone. I would not blame John Cena, i would blame the PG era and WWE's putting him on the spotlight far too often.
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