The beauty of mythology
Posted by Isaiah P.
Posted on 12:17 PM
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Mythology is a collection of stories from particular cultures to explain nature, history, traditions, customs, and so on. Myths can exaggerate historical events or be truthful. Ancient story-tellers can include personification of nature, parables, allegories, and other literary devices in myths. However what is the ultimate of myths? To provide a behavioral model of how a culture ought to behave. Myths provide morals and other lessons that strength social bonds among people.
The ancient mind was not concerned with facts, but with morality and cultural tradition. What then is the purpose of exaggeration and distorting history? That is the art of story-telling. Each culture had it's own unique perspective of how the world came to be and how it will end. Exaggeration and other literary elements are what distinguishes myths from plain factual history. It is this form of story-telling that has thrived from the dawn of time to our modern world in the form of modern t.v programs, movies, books, and so on.

The next time you read Genesis, Dante's Inferno, Paradise Lost, the Illiad, or watch any work of fiction - forget about your perceptions of reality. Delve deep into the symbolism behind the story. Reflect on the deeper meaning. Asses the hero's flaws, the villain's strengths, and how good prevails in the end. Contemplate the purpose behind every detail and why the author composed it that way. Meditate on the lessons embedded within the plot. When you do this, you will realize the beauty of mythology.
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